Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005 Year in Review

I don't like new years resolutions. Most people tend to give something up, some guilty pleasure. 6 months later (or usually less) the resolution is long forgotten. For me, i'm going to commit to changing something, actually two things. I will be more patient, and more outgoing. Both will serve me well here, personally and professionally, and both are things i am lacking in.

The BBC and CNN (the only 2 English stations i get) are filled with “year in review” pieces right now. Who died, tsunamis, hurricanes, elections, what gadgets were popular etc. etc. etc. I already saw it reported once, i don't need to relive the hype of all this news. I think 24Hr “news” stations are one of the worst innovations of our time. I thought of putting my own list of what i thought were the most important news stories of the year, but i want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

To try something new, i thought I'd post a “Corrigan year in review”. The highlights of my last 12 months. Maybe it's not as interesting as CNN's, and maybe I don't quite have the distribution of the BBC, but i have some cool pics and even better memories! Without further adue....Corrigan year in review


Anonymous said...

Hey man, Happy New Year. I've been enjoying reading the blog... you must spend a lot of time on it because the grammar is way too good for you. Hope things are going OK over there.

The Hobester said...

Yeah, Happy Friggin New Year!

And it's a good thing you're accross the pond, cause judging by the amount of pics I remember, we've spent way too much time together last year. :P

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What can i say, you're my hero hober.
